We all have emotional wounds or “issues” that need a little more love and attention in order to heal. One of the fastest ways to inject new and miraculous energy into your life is to use the power of affirmations. They truly work wonders and can radically lift you up from having issues with worthiness, fear or limitation to shining your inner light a hell of a lot brighter.

So what are affirmations?

Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat over and over again in order to imprint your subconscious mind. They are usually words that trigger an emotional reaction or response within you that brings up the healing that needs to take place. There will almost always be resistance that will appear in order to challenge you. This is a natural and perfectly normal part of the process. Your job is to see beyond the “monkey mind” and keep moving forward regardless.

What affirmations are NOT…

Affirmations are not magic beans, band-aid solutions or a clever way to trick the Universe into thinking that you have your shit together, when clearly you don’t (at present). Affirmations will not work unless you are willing to dive into the emotional work that needs to be done and be truly HONEST about where you’re at.

How do they work?

How it works is that words that inspire, empower and excite you have the power to override the current programming you have in your mind and help to form new beliefs which in turn will help to shift the landscape of your current reality. You’re essentially raising your vibration and increasing the positive energy of your soul’s frequency.

Affirmations are a method to bring about newfound change in your life through the process of repetition. The idea is that you find an empowering affirmation that you resonate with within your heart and either write it out or place a printed copy somewhere in your constant awareness. It could be on the bathroom mirror, the corner of your computer screen or in a little pocket in your purse. Every time you see the affirmation you, repeat (or imprint) the affirmation over and over again until it sticks to your soul. You also need to feel the feeling the affirmation will give you.

Let’s try a little exercise together…

I want you to use the affirmation: I AM WORTHY.

Say it now, (silently). Say it again.

Notice how you feel and round up the negative feelings or itty bitty feelings of resistances and imagine yourself throwing them out because they no longer serve you. I AM WORTHY.

Here are a collection of the most powerful affirmations from my book: Be The Love.

How to deal with doubt

Once you start to use affirmations, you will notice that the better you get at decluttering the icky feelings as they arise the stronger your resolve will be.

A secret to truly mastering affirmations: The Universe cannot differentiate between what is happening in the physical realm, or what is happening and being imprinted in the spiritual realm. When you use your affirmation as if it has already happened, then you strengthen your manifesting power.

Where to find affirmations…

I can’t wait to get BE THE LOVE into your life. The book has an affirmation exercise at the beginning of every chapter to help you connect to the energy of healing.

In this book I share my own personal healing journey and reveal to you a 3-step process that will help you to navigate through anything that unfolds in your life to support you emotionally. 

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