Hitting rock bottom is a blessing. You’re at the end of your rope, at your wit’s end, up to your ears in despair and ready abandon ship. At this point in your life there is only one way to go and it’s usually up. It’s time to reframe your perspective and re-assess what you really want to create in your life.

The defining happy moments and highlights in our lives are cherished – when a child is born, wedding days, landing a book deal etc. But in hindsight (oh, what powerful teacher) there are the defining low points in our lives that we know shaped who we are today.

We look back and see how emotional pain illuminated a new path and created profound change.

Hitting rock bottom is just an illusion and an opportunity for expansion. I’ve hit it so many times myself in various ways, but the awareness that it can always be worse is an extremely important tool for your spiritual toolbox.  You can’t always remember when you’re in the thick, all-foreboding raptures of rock-bottomness but it’s important to note that any time you feel overwhelmed by life not going your way that it’s all part of a beautiful story that is being woven by your soul.

So if you’re crying uncontrollably, feeling hopeless, uninspired, overwhelmed, angry or even depressed, please have some self-compassion and ask for support. Surround yourself in gentle reminders that tough times pass and that everything will always look a little better tomorrow. Try things like shifting your energy by doing new things or getting clear about what you want to manifest in your life.

One of my most favourite quotes by Florence Scovel Shinn is this:

“Every great work, every big accomplishment, has been brought into manifestation through holding to the vision, and often just before the big achievement, comes apparent failure and discouragement.”

Rock bottom is apparent failure at her best. Ride it with gratitude and watch how strong you become.

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