The Universe wants you to experience and attract true love and connection. The following ideas are to attract romance into your reality. These fun and practical little tips will magnify your energy and get the Law of Attraction sending more LOVE your way whether you’re single or need a little spark in your relationship.

Here are create ways to make space for love to manifest…

 Let go of your past, de-clutter and move forward

This means not talking about ‘him or her’ as much and perhaps getting rid of old love letters or emails that keep you stuck in the past. It’s time to pave the way for a new person to step forward. They can’t arrive when you’re still pining over someone else. Creating space for new love means letting go of old flames.

Show yourself the love you think you deserve

It’s really important to know how good (or not so good) your levels of self-esteem are. You really need to love yourself in order to attract a relationship that is sustainable. The truth? Otherwise you’ll be attracting someone that will want to fix you or will magnify your need to take care of yourself better. This can be a good thing, but unless you shine light on the need for self-love and self-care then it can turn ugly very fast. So this is why it’s so important to treat yourself well and show yourself the love you think you deserve.

How will you love yourself today? Ask yourself this powerful question at least 3 times per day.

Create space in your bedroom for your new lover

I learnt this one from ‘The Game of Life and How to Play It’ where Florence Scovel Shinn writes about the importance of demonstrating something called ‘active faith’. It’s where you create space for whatever it is that you wish to welcome in your life. By creating space in your bedroom for your lover you are letting the Universe know that you’re ready. You can do this by just sleeping on one side of the bed, making drawer space available for his or her clothes. By buying a special cup you can visualize the process of having him/her there with you in the morning. The Universe will respond to this action.

“The minute I heard my first love story,
I started looking for you, not knowing
how blind that was.
Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere,
they’re in each other all along.”

In order to manifest more abundance into your life you need to be ready to SPARK a deeper connection with the Universe. If you’re ready to go on a spiritual adventure and quest then I would highly recommend my Ancient Manifesting Ritual. This will help to get out of your own way and help you to strengthen your intuition. xo

Check out The Ancient Manifesting Ritual here


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