In full transparency, I was at my worst yesterday.

It was the day before launching The Manifesting Academy and I had been awake since 2:30AM. We were working on placing the final finishing touches on sales pages, copy, emails and the rest of it when we were faced with a hurdle that could have potentially delayed the launch (I’ll spare you the details). On top of that, baby Ava Moon had her very first cold. So no sleep, upcoming launch, four kids and one of them sick with a cold created the perfect storm for my meltdown.

We were so close to the finishing line, so close to completing my vision and dream to launch the Manifesting Academy. And then…Sean (my husband and business partner) and I started fighting. We were triggering one another left, right and center. I started to blame him for things not going right and things got pretty messy and super reactive (side note: it’s all cool now, my husband is incredible).

Anyway, I found myself curled up under a blanket having a mild panic attack when I heard a tiny whisper of intuition say:

“You know how you teach people how apparent failure often appears before success? Well this is it baby! Walk your talk! Also, be gentle on yourself. You need to rise above these feelings of doubt and frustration to clear space to help as many people as possible and believe in the vision you have for the academy.”

And then four words landed in my heart that I have held ever since… I believe this was a love note from the Universe…

“Step into your power.”

If anything, this awareness has reminded me that meltdowns are often a vital part of riding the wave to a new level of transformation.

It’s the breakdown before the breakthrough. It’s an opportunity to allow the tears to flow feely instead of bottling it up. Why? Because embracing the full range of emotions of your manifesting journey is truly stepping into your power.

When we launched The Manifesting Academy, we had over 200 people sign up within the first two hours – 1,800 by the time we closed the doors a week later!

Messages of excitement, love, support and feedback were flooding in from all over the world.

So remember, next time you are faced with a meltdown, or an emotional storm, remember that it is an important part of the journey. When you see it as either a test, or a soulful invitation to rise above the seeming challenges, you’ll be so amazed at how quickly you start to feel better and empowered by choosing LOVE over fear.

With Love,

Sarah Prout

Want to Step Into Your Power?

The Manifesting Academy is a monthly subscription that offers a manifesting course library, meditations, Soul Tribe community and access to LIVE Q & A sessions, training, events and replays. Each month I share exclusive content that I know you will love. You’ll have a support system in place to inspire you on every step of your manifesting journey.

The Manifesting Academy has open enrollment 2x per year. Click here to see if it’s open and get on the waitlist now: 

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