Here’s a short and powerful message from The Universe when you need to remember to quit hiding your magic and step into your greatness. It’s never too late.

After all, the world is ready for you!

For the best podcast listening experience, download it via iTunes here.

Sometimes You Just Need The Right Message At The Right Time

I invite you to say the below message out loud or in your heart/mind:

Dear [Insert Your Name Here],

Who you are right now is so beautiful, capable, worthy and ready to start manifesting your dreams. 

You might think that you are not enough, not good enough, not worthy enough, and too afraid to pursue your dreams, but it’s FALSE. You ARE ready! 

And what you have to offer the world will change lives. There is only one version of you and it’s doing the world a disservice to hide in the shadows and not step into your own magnificence.



What would have to happen for you to stop hiding your magic and remember that you are powerful?

It’s time to take inspired action.

With Eternal, Unconditional Love and Support,

— The Universe 

ps. You’ve got this!

If you’re ready and willing to show the world your magic and step into your own greatness…

A FREE Masterclass With Sarah Prout,
Bestselling Author of Dear Universe

5 Key Secrets To Becoming An Abundance Creator

Discover the critical foundation to creating abundance by design… so you can achieve instant, tangible results that you can immediately apply to become a portal to prosperity for the rest of your life.

*Playing For A Limited Time Only

I’m inviting you to my signature program called,

“The Ancient Manifesting Ritual”

If you are holding yourself back in any way when it comes to taking inspired, conscious action to live the life of your dreams…
This program is for you. 

Discover the critical foundation to creating abundance and achieve instant, tangible results that you can immediately apply to become a portal to prosperity for the rest of your life.

Click here to learn more!


The Ancient Manifesting Ritual

Online Course

Discover a Powerful Law of Attraction SECRET FORMULA To Quickly Raise Your Vibration and Get The Universe to Finally Deliver Your Desires. “Successful Manifestors” Use The Ritual To Create Real Results With Things They TRULY Want To Materialize Into Their Reality. (Now Loved By Over 105,437 Manifestors).

Learn more

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