Today was a very important day at the US embassy in Sydney…

It’s official. Very soon I will be leaving Australia and calling the USA my home.

I’m moving to Las Vegas!

In 2011, my beautiful American man took me on a trip to Orange County, California to meet his family for the first time. We also went to Vegas to visit some dear friends.

As the plane flew over the red rocks I felt a weird intuitive connection to the landscape. In a weird way I felt like I was coming home. I could see the tiny cluster of sparkling lights of the casinos off in the distance and felt the buzz and excitement of visiting the place known as ‘Sin City’.

Only a couple of years later in 2013, Sean and I decided that we wanted to get married in Vegas. And no, not by a hokey Elvis impersonator. We were married at the beautiful Rumor Boutique Hotel surrounded by our friends and family. I knew Vegas was the perfect place to get hitched and seal our love because of the energy I felt there.

We created some pretty wonderful memories that we’ll cherish forever.

Since then, every time I see Vegas on the TV or in a movie I have jokingly referred to it as my ‘home town’.

Back in November last year, just before Lulu Dawn was born, I decided that it’s time for my family to move to America.

There are so many opportunities in America that I feel will be wonderful for my three children. So as predictable as it sounds, I am now off to chase the ‘American Dream’ because I believe it will be magical.

At first Sean and I thought we wanted to move to California, then Colorado, and then the idea was lovingly suggested to us that perhaps Nevada could be a possibility. We tried on the concept, scoped out different houses online, schools, amenities etc and knew (and I mean FELT A MASSIVE INTUITIVE HIT) that Vegas is the place to be.

Since then we have set up our company in Nevada (the new name to be revealed soon), we’re selling all of our stuff and we’re making the move within the next few short weeks.

The VISA process was such an adventure. We were fastidious and meticulous with our preparation of the right documents. I had to get a police check, a full medical exam, paperwork signed by my ex-husband (who was a superstar about it) and the list goes on.

Everything has lined up for us because we practised energy management the whole way along. We had no choice to believe beyond what we could see.

We have learned to become comfortable with uncertainty and become really good at practicing ACTIVE FAITH.

  • We applied for the VISA without knowing any of the ‘hows’.
  • We planned our garage sale before knowing if our Green Card VISA would be approved.
  • We still (at the time I’m writing this) don’t know where we will be living, where the kids will end up going to school, what type of car we will buy. And the list goes on…

It has been a WILD adventure in manifesting, one that I will gladly share with you when the dust settles and we have landed in our wonderful new Vegas abode.

So here are some little Q+As I’ve been asked…

Q: Why Vegas? Isn’t the energy of gambling, sex, drugs etc not good for a family?

A: I see it as an illusion and a beautiful opportunity for my children and I not to make things ‘wrong’ or bad and to learn from different levels of perception. ALL of those so called ‘nasty’ things can be found in any town. What’s important is that we continue to teach our children that consciousness is the key.

Q: Will you be taking your 3 dogs?

A: Of course! Cookie LaLa, Merlin Moonman and Pepper PooPants are part of the family.

Q: Aren’t your kids sad to leave their home?

A: Nope, my kids are very surrendered and LOVE adventure. We’ve also taught them that the world is a small place and it’s much better to experience news things than to not be willing to grow. It’s all about conscious expansion.

Q: How do you still run a business, write, blog etc, when you’re moving, have a baby, 2 kids, 3 dogs and husband?

A: I won’t lie. It’s crazy town here right now, but we have a great management system and my husband is really good at planning and making things transition as easy as possible for every aspect of our company.

So that’s my big news. I’ll be writing more about my adventures on my Facebook page so make sure we’re connected. xo

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