Here is a letter from the Universe when you desire to manifest true love.

It’s addressed to you, to your heart, and to the moments when your soul needs a little comfort in times of doubt. Print it, share it, feel it and cherish it.

Dear {insert your name here},

I want you to remember that my Infinite Love is always here for you and I adore you unconditionally.

I know it’s scary when your heart is sitting in the soulful waiting room to finally cross paths with your Beloved. I know there are moments when you feel like the loneliness will consume you. I know there are moments where the longing for heartfelt companionship and intimacy make you feel like you are drifting aimlessly in an ocean of lost hope.

Remember, you are never alone.

I want you to feel me here holding your hand, reminding you to TRUST in the process of Divine timing. The ‘right’ person to fulfill your sacred soul contract of LOVE is currently getting ready to allow YOU into their reality.

It’s a mutual calling, a mutual and magical exchange of energy.

There are an infinite number of powerful spiritual lessons to remember while you wait, but above all your role is to rise above the feelings of fear, doubt, insecurity and comparison.

You are whole and complete, just as you are right now. And when your soul is truly ready, its mate will appear.

Shine a light on the old and unnecessary patterns of self-sabotage. These can present themselves as the inability or willingness to forgive people or events from previous chapters in your life. Forgive yourself, let go of the past, release others from expectations and remember that you can only ever attract the love you believe you deserve to manifest. 

Finally, remember to take action – go out, connect with friends and place yourself where other people are going to be. It’s time for you to rise up, share your inner light, open your heart and remember that you are WORTHY to allow true love into your life.

With Infinite Possibilities,

The U xo

ps. “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”


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