Here are some Law of Attraction remedies for ‘making space’ for manifestation. This is based on the idea of using ACTIVE FAITH and ‘acting as if’ your desires have already manifested.

Florence Shovel Shinn phrases the process beautifully here:

“True prayer means preparation. Having made your demands on the Universal Supply for any good thing, act immediately, as if you expected to receive it. Show active faith,thereby impressing the subconscious mind with expectancy.”

By ‘prayer’ here Florence refers to intention setting. And by ‘Universal Supply’ she means The Universe, God, Source of Force etc.

It’s the most potent energy field in the entire Universe that creates and governs everything. 

The secret is this…

When you set an intention or feel a desire that you’d like to manifest, the key is to channel your energy and vibration into the outcome as if it’s already happened. You need to ‘act as if’.

This means buying a wedding magazine before you find the man, perhaps buying a fancy keyring before you buy the car or buying that little black dress before you lose the weight. This activates the energy of expectation in your vibration and helps tremendously. 

The Universe LOVES it when you do this…

✦ To make space for manifesting ABUNDANCE:

Clear out your purse or wallet. This frees the energy of prosperity and shows reverence for more money to manifest.

For more decluttering inspiration:

✦ To make space for manifesting TRUE LOVE:

Buy a special coffee or tea mug that will be used by your Beloved in the not-so-distant future. Or perhaps clear out space for them in your closet.

For more soulmate inspiration:

✦ To make space for manifesting a BABY:

Find, select or buy a small item that will be used by the soul baby that you are calling into the world. Start talking to them now and let them know it’s safe to arrive in perfect Divine timing.

For more soul baby inspiration:

✦ To make space for manifesting a DREAM HOME:

Get into the feeling space of checking out as many homes as possible that are for sale that you dream of living in. Not only does this raise your vibration, but it also matches you to the energy of your intention.

For more dream home inspiration:


And remember: If you want to manifest anything, make space for it in your life. Hold sacred space in your heart and trust that it’s coming soon.





Are You Ready to Declutter Your Life And Create Your Own Miracles?

Fortunately, I’ve recently released a brand new manifesting lesson called The Life-Changing Miracle of Decluttering, and it’s incredibly affordable.

Here you will discover the proven decluttering secret that will guide you to spark joy in the present, let go of the past, and start manifesting your desires faster than you ever imagined possible…

>>> Check it out now while it’s still fresh on your mind:

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