Introducing: The Manifesting Spotlight – case studies and stories of hope, creative energy and manifestation inspiration.  

The journey to manifesting a baby and bringing a child into the world is sometimes not so straight forward and easy for some people. Issues with fertility and miscarriages can be heartbreaking and are extremely common.

Personally, I have been pregnant 10 times. Sadly, six of those tiny beings were lost on the journey. Fertility specialists told me it would be “virtually impossible” for me to carry a baby to full term and yet I defied the odds.

Learning how to manage your energy during the times you intend to bring a child into the world is a wild roller coaster ride of emotion to say the very least. This is why it’s so important we have more discussions about this topic and how to stay strong during these times.


Ivy* (not her real name), one of my manifesting students, was so frustrated because she was trying to get pregnant for quite a while and it just wasn’t happening. She would express over and over again that she was on the brink of giving up. One month she did manage to get pregnant, only to be faced with a very early loss.

Ivy knew that it took her a considerable amount of time to get pregnant the first time, and so she assumed that surely it would take ages to fall pregnant again. She knew she needed to try a different approach energetically, rather that riding on the wave of disappointment month after month when the pregnancy test would show a “not-pregnant” sign. Instead, she started to use one the techniques that I teach called The Process of Active Faith.

Ivy bought a birthday card for her baby and wrote in the card wishing her a “Happy Birthday” and telling her how much she is loved and cherished. ALL of her energy was focussed on sending love to the baby that she was calling into her life from the etheric realm. This shifted her vibration from the absence of the child to the full appreciation of the anticipated energy the child would bring.

This is along the lines of the process that I tried when I was trying to get pregnant with a healthy baby. I would buy a piece of infant clothing to tune into the energy of positive expectancy. I would visualize my child wearing the tiny hat, the tiny shoes or snuggling with the teddy bear and how much joy it would bring me.

Sure enough, Ivy got pregnant within just two months of writing her future baby daughter a birthday card and placing it in a special place. Ivy is now the mother of a healthy baby girl.

By engaging in active faith you are showing the Universe that you are creating space in your life to welcome in your desire.

However, please remember to be open to all possibilities. I know some people have manifested their soul babies through adoption, step-children, pets, charity work and other not-so-conventional ways. The beauty of life is that it shows up and guides you to the light work you are meant to be doing. Your job is to trust in the process with a fearless and open heart.

If you found this inspirational, please SHARE with your friends that might need a little encouragement on their manifesting journey. xo

Want a dose of inspiration? The Manifesting Workshop is the most empowering way to learn more about how to guide your energy. It’s a catalyst for you to authentically identify the desires within you. If you feel the intuitive nudge to join me for the Manifesting Workshop please register here.

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