Manifesting money is all about the energy that you bring to the experience. The more playful and open you can be with the Universe, the more likely it is that your vibration is buzzing at an excellent frequency to welcome in the cash.
The energy we bring to money can be a sore spot for many people, which is why it’s so important to be PLAYFUL with the process.
Here are 6 ideas that I know you will LOVE. Read below or click here to download now.

Secret 1: Set Your Intention
Take time to get really clear on the amount you are requesting for the Universe and also the time it will take for you to receive it. The Universe LOVES specificity. If you’re not clear on what you want to attract then you will be manifesting by default and all sorts of nasty surprises can appear when you don’t pay attention to conscious awareness. This comes down to the power of intent. When you put your energy behind having a clear vision of what you want in your life, you intentionally create a flow of abundance.
Secret 2: Imprint Your Subconscious Mind + Imprint “the Field” Of Energy
This powerful practice will help get you into the feeling space to welcome in prosperity, surround yourself in the energy of abundance and ultimately — feel worthy of it. There are many ways that you can do this. Here are a few suggestions that have personally worked for me: Dressing up in your best clothes. Having a daily gratitude practice to be thankful for what you do have right now. Repeating mantras help to rewire your feelings about money.
Secret 3: Feel As If Your Money Has Already Manifested
You must see yourself as if the abundance has already been manifested. You must give thanks for your prosperity despite the physical reality of what you are being presented with. This is the ultimate key to unlocking your desires from the etheric realm. A great way to do this is to practice creative visualization or a manifesting meditation that can help you evoke the feeling of having — not craving — wealth. Click here for a FREE 5-minute meditation that can help you release any blocks holding you back from manifesting your
Secret 4: Send Loving Energy To The Flow Of Money In And Out
Paychecks make you happy, while bills make you put on your cranky pants with annoyance and anxiety. You need to rewire this mindset in order to get out of your own way . Each time you feel pissed off when a bill gets sent to you then you actively choose to block the flow of abundance and you’re inviting MORE BILLS and more expenses. Nothing is as expensive as an attitude that blocks the flow of prosperity. Learn to LOVE your
money. After all, it’s just energy.
TIP: Draw little love hearts on your bills and expenses to actively send them love and appreciation.
Secret 5: Show Reverence + Respect For The Money You Have Now
Make sure you show your money how much you love it by taking care of it. What does your wallet or purse currently look like? Are there receipts stuffed in there? What do you think your purse/wallet says about your abundance mindset? The best way to show profound gratitude and reverence for the energy of your current abundance is to ensure that it’s sitting all neatly in your purse or wallet. Create a sanctuary for it to feel safe and loved.
Secret 6: Take One Day At A Time
This was the most powerful and loving piece of advice that my mother gave me when I was on the brink of going bankrupt in 2009. She told me to just be gentle with myself and take one day at a time. This helped tremendously to keep me focused on my power in the present moment and not sabotage my vibration with overwhelm by thinking about the uncertainty of my financial future. This is an imperative factor to energy management throughout the manifesting process.
Ready to match your manifesting language to the frequency and vibration of your desires?
You’ve identified your manifesting language; now it’s time to match your energy to that of love and abundance. To do that, you need to understand another important spiritual law that is often overlooked besides the Law of Attraction — The Law of Vibration.
The Law of Vibration states that anything that exists in our universe, whether visible or not, can be quantified as a frequency or an energetic pattern.
It’s the real power source behind manifesting your desires… where all of the fun, magical elements come into play.
Your goal? You want to raise your vibration, train your vibration and program your vibration to rise high… even as life throws you a low curveball.
I’ve designed a proven 4-Step process that can raise your vibration to a level where you can manifest your deepest desires, hopes, and dreams in almost no time at all.
It’s called the High Vibe Frequency Formula.
Click here to learn more!