Want to play a manifesting game?

This was an inspired (and really fun) idea that I created yesterday for all of my current manifesting students which I thought I’d share here so that you can start to create more abundance too.

What you’re going to need:

+ Paper
+ Scissors
+ Colored pens
+ Glitter (maybe)
+ Your wallet or purse



Step 1:  Set the intention to manifest $1000 (or more) within the next 30 days.

Step 2: Clear out your wallet or purse to clear the energy. Get rid of anything that doesn’t need to be in there. Order your money, cards etc.

Step 3:  Create and decorate a little heart that has a dollar sign (or pound sign for UK) in the middle of it to place inside your wallet or purse.

Each time you open it up and see the heart you’re going to send LOVE to your money and tell it that it’s SAFE to MULTIPLY.

Here’s a little time-lapse video I made of me making my own abundance hearts.

This little heart will be a powerful reminder. You can also make more to place around your house too if you wish. See it as your $1000 heart. It’s as good as having 1k in your hand.



+ Take a photo of your heart and share it on Instagram or Facebook or Pinterest with the hashtag: #ABUNDANCEHEART or/and #MANIFEST

+ Leave a comment on this post or on my Facebook page when the $1000+ manifests for you. I ADORE hearing your success stories.

Here are some of the hearts that my beautiful students have already created…


Remember your ‘abundance’ can manifest in the form of a discount, a gift, an act of kindness that amounts to around 1k.


A word of warning: This exercise will bring up your levels of resistance which is why it’s so important to work through my MANIFEST course to remove those pesky blocks that make it tricky for abundance to flow freely.

Get it here if you haven’t already >> http://bit.ly/1lBTI8w

Did you like this manifesting game? Will you find it helpful or inspiring? Please share with any of your friends that might enjoy this fun and creative process.

Sending you LOVE and prosperity energy,

Sarah xo

In order to manifest more abundance into your life you need to be ready to SPARK a deeper connection with the Universe. If you’re ready to go on a spiritual adventure and quest then I would highly recommend my Ancient Manifesting Ritual. This will help to get out of your own way and help you to strengthen your intuition. xo

Check out The Ancient Manifesting Ritual here


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One Comment

  1. I manifesting about $1100 in 3 weeks! So so awesome. We needed it bad! Lol! I know more is coming. Sorry your baby ate your heart! Haaaa! 😉

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