It was 2014 and we were broke. We were also newlyweds, I kept on having miscarriages and our house was haunted (a story for another day). Our publishing business wasn’t sustainable and we were living way beyond our means. To make matters worse, our second-hand car kept on breaking down and I was in the midst of nasty custody mediation issues with my ex-husband.
I was a “manifesting teacher” trying to keep my shit together.
I felt like the Universe had forgotten me. My body felt broken and my faith was being tested.
Here’s how I manifested my way through this time in my life…
It required some perception adjustments and energy management – which is where I first began to see the power of how our feelings create our current reality. Back then I was a manifesting teacher that was learning through experience and riding the wave of a very steep learning curve. These experiences became the core foundation for my manifestation teachings.
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#1. I shifted the energy and for a fresh start
I understand not everyone can do this. We used all of the credit resources we had to move from Melbourne to Queensland. We needed a fresh start to interrupt old patterns of energy. You can also do this by decluttering your environment to shift your patterns of energy.
The outcome? Our business started growing because we made a pivot to educate ourselves on all things related to internet marketing.
✦ MANIFESTING MINDSET TIP: When you switch up your patterns of energy then the Universe will respond with different manifestations.
#2. I stopped arguing with reality and made peace with the present
I was pregnant for the 6th time in 10 months and found myself in the emergency room with miscarriage symptoms again. I took out the notes app on my phone and wrote a letter to my “Soul Baby” to let her know I would be okay if she decided to stay or go. By simply making peace with the outcome no matter what it would be helped to release the energetic resistance for a positive outcome. I wrote about this extensively in my book: Dear Universe.
The outcome? My daughter, Lulu Dawn was born in March 2015. The following year I gave birth to my “effortless blessing” – Ava Moon. When I became comfortable with uncertainty, the lesson was fully understood on an experiential level.
✦ MANIFESTING MINDSET TIP: When you simply accept your current reality and go with the flow then you empower your emotions and your energy. The key is to get comfortable with uncertainty.
#3. I embodied the concept of using “Active Faith”
I had always been really good at “acting as if” but there was always part of me that was skeptical. It’s like a muscle – the more you build it up, the stronger it becomes.
The outcome? After Lulu was born, our business was beginning to thrive and we decided to move from Australia to the United States. There were many obstacles that we needed to overcome such as having sustainable finances and getting approval from my ex-husband to move out of the country. With every obstacle, I acted “as if” – I held the vision in my heart. In April 2015, we decided to move the US and in September 2015 we were living in Las Vegas.
✦ MANIFESTING MINDSET TIP: Always be smart about your leaps of faith and steps of inspired action. I sold all of my household belongings BEFORE my US Visa was approved – this is risky. The key? Always show the Universe that you are energetically ready for change and the Universe will respond accordingly.
#4. I took ownership of my energy and my vibration
If you want to manifest you must NOT hand your power over to others. You must learn how to guide your energy and raise your vibration so you can connect with the Universe in an authentic and effective way.
The outcome? The gift of awareness. When you become aware that everything that unfolds in your life is a beautiful manifestation then you can begin to consciously and intentionally create your own reality. I did, and you can too.
An Invitation To Raise Your Vibration For Magic And Miracles To Manifest
✦ MANIFESTING MINDSET TIP: TRUST THE UNIVERSE and Join my 21-Day Manifesting Challenge to discover the exact tools, tips, and rituals that I used to go from living below the poverty line as a single mother to now running a successful (and sustainable) 7-figure business with my soulmate.
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