It’s proven that meditation has fabulous health benefits. Not only does it reduce stress levels and release happy hormones in your brain, but it means that you feel engaged and connected to a higher power.

Being connected to our higher selves is so important. Whether you called it Force, Source, God, The Universe…whatever…meditation is a way to recharge the soul batteries and take a chill pill.

If making yourself meditate isn’t your thing, then check out the following 5 ways your brain will roll into Alpha and give you similar effects with little or no effort.

1. During sexy-sexy time

You’re relaxed, surrendered, fully present (sometimes) and participating in an act of love. Sex (lurve making) is an excellent way to connect with your own soul and/or the soul of your soulmate.

2. In the car

When you’re on the road sometimes it’s so easy to drift into a space of mindfulness where you’re aware on the traffic conditions (for safety) but you’re also allowing your mind to drift into a peaceful space of surrender.

3. Playing with your pets

Animals are the Universal ambassadors of joy. When you connect with your pets then you are meditating because you’re being fully present with them. It’s not like your dog will hold a grudge about the past, they are fully here now and wagging their tails. Go on, wag your tail.

4. Being in nature

As I’m writing these words I can hear birds singing and the roar of the beautiful ocean outside my window – the sun has just risen over the water.

Whether it’s feeling your feet on the sand or walking through a garden smelling freshly cut grass or watching butterflies flutter around you – try and appreciate the nature around you.

When you are in wonderment of it then you tune into its vibration and it becomes your meditation.

5. Waiting in a line

Instead of feeling ticked off or grumpy that you have to wait in a queue at the post office why not turn it into an opportunity to cultivate presence? Observe the beauty all around you and see the humanity. A friend of mine once told me that infinite patience gives you immediate results.

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