Once upon a time I was terrified that the Universe didn’t have my back. No matter how hard I tried, it seemed as though I would never be able to manifest my desires.

For years I struggled “to make it”. And yet no matter how hard I tried, it was the same old same old: struggle and stress. uncertainty and fear, and wondering to myself if the experiences would ever change. 

In a word, it “sucked.”

When I left my first marriage back in 2009 I pretty much had the shoes on my feet, clothes on my back, and two beautiful children whom I love and adore so much to look after…

Along with that was a bank account nearly at zero. Yet as dark and gloomy as things appeared to be, that time in my life of hitting rocking bottom was one of the best things that could have ever happened to me.

I sure as hell didn’t know it then. Not by a long shot! But what I did know was my new found mission: to create a true and authentic connection between myself and the Universe.

And “this time” I knew it was different. 

For years I did what everyone else did…

I read and watched The Secret. I devoured the teachings of Abraham-Hicks and The Law of Attraction. I immersed myself in the words of New Thought authors like Florence Scovel Shinn.

(And the list goes on).

What was different “this time” is that I was finally able to change… or should I say “evolve” the space where I was coming from. Whereas once upon a time I was approaching my intentions and desires from my mind, I was now committed to connecting to them with my heart.

My Soul Space. 

And sure enough, that’s when my life started to change in ways I never could have imagined…

I manifested my Soulmate, a dream home, a “miracle” baby, an international book deal… and the list goes on. 

Before I knew it, my soon-to-be husband and I created an international publishing company that has now connected with millions of people around the world.

Was it all just an accident? A fluke? Was I perhaps blessed with greater manifesting abilities than you or the Jane next door? I don’t think so.

What I do believe is that the connection I cultivated with my Soul Space was the beginning of a beautiful and divine relationship between me, my (higher) self, and The Universe.

And if you’re willing, then I’d like to help you do the same and cultivate a connection with YOUR Soul Space…

Shall we continue? If yes, then read on…

When I first began this manifesting journey it wasn’t all sparkles and fairy dust. 

At times shit was hitting the fan so much that my walls were covered in…

Never mind that…

What I’m trying to say is that it truly has been a journey. And to navigate the journey it was imperative that I create a spiritual toolbox that I could open and use for different situations and experiences.

The entirety of it’s contents are a story for another day, but for now, what I do want to share with you is one of my favorite tools. It’s a tool that can…

1. Connect you to your soul space so you can raise your vibration and become energetically aligned with what you want.

2. Magnify your manifesting energy and build instant momentum towards your desired intentions.

3. Heighten your intuition so you know when you’re on the right track and aligned with your core desires.

4. Help you master the law of nonresistance and put an end to the fear, doubt and worry that’s been keeping you small your entire life.

… and so much more.

This is what I call My Sacred Ancient Manifesting Ritual.

And if you desire, you can get a copy of the Ancient Manifesting Ritual by going here (the first step towards a life you adore).:

I truly hope you’ll give yourself the opportunity of putting Ancient Manifesting Ritual into your spiritual toolbox. I don’t believe I would be anywhere near where I am today had it not been for this sacred manifesting ritual.

This is the same manifesting tool I used to make my first $60,000 in less than 30 days (at a time I had less than $20 in the bank)… And it’s the same tool my students have used to manifest more money, soul mate relationships, dream jobs, and the list goes on.

If you’re finally ready to put an end to the struggle and worry so you can begin living a life on purpose like I began so many years ago… And if you’re ready to start creating your own miracles so you can finally live from your Soul Space in the same way I live from mine…

Then do yourself a favor and get a copy of The Ancient Manifesting Ritual today.

The Ancient Manifesting Ritual

I know without a shadow of a doubt that you’re going to LOVE it.

If you enjoyed this article, please share it with a friend who could use some manifesting inspiration as well!

And, if you have a question or comment, please post below – I always love hearing from my audience and love answering questions.

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  1. A gorgeous read! Thanks for sharing honey I look forward to following you more. Love to know what else is in your spiritual toolbox!

  2. Hi I love your stuff. I have a website called Pushing the Boundaries of Science. It’s a mish, mash of stuff now it started out as a protect to raise awareness for NMDA encephalitis then turned into a bit of a mental health forum. Today I use it to re post positive affermations and messages about the Law of Attraction and Universal Alignment. It would be great if someone like you could get involved, like, comment and share. I’m sure lots of my followers would like you.

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