Want to manifest some conscious cash? Perhaps you are trying to attract a certain sum of money to fuel a dream that you’ve been carrying around in your heart for a long time now? Whatever it is, you need to remember that ABUNDANCE is all around you, right now.

Sometimes our perception gets clouded by the sheer amount of noise that we allow into our lives (Facebook, family drama, work issues etc). The key thing to remember is that prosperity and abundance is a FEELING that is super-easy to cultivate as soon as you make the decision to open your heart to the infinite world of limitless possibilities.

5 Soulful and Grounded Ways to Connect to the Energy of Abundance and Prosperity

1. Be in nature

Gardens, parks, mountains and beaches all have the purest essence of abundant energy. To clear up your own vibration in order to allow for the prosperity to roll into your reality, you must make sure you get outside and flow with the wonder of the natural world around you.

Last week I went to San Diego to the Self Realization gardens, which are so incredibly beautiful. I sat in the garden in deep reverence and I meditated overlooking the ocean. It was truly magnificent and refreshing. This week I am now more inspired, more productive and noticing an increase in our sales results.

2. Be gentle on yourself

There’s no need to rush around and hustle your heart out all the time. To allow for abundance into your life you need to slow your pace down and trust that everything unfolds in Divine timing.

3. Eat well

Living in true abundance is filling your belly with loads of beautiful fresh fruits and vegetables. Vibrant health and abundance manifests when you consciously consume LIVE, vibrant foods to help raise your vibration.

4. Ask for a dream

Every night that we place our head on the pillow we have a lovely opportunity to connect to the true essence of the Universe. But have you ever tried to ask for a dream? Have you ever set the intention and asked God or the Universe to show you a glimpse of your desired future? This is really fun and can spark a powerful intention setting process with your subconscious mind.

5. Play with the energy

The Universe is always ready and waiting to play a game with you. You just need to ask! Request your signs of alignment, your little Divine winks, finding coins on the street etc. Whatever it is that you are asking the Universe to send you, take it as a perfectly timed sign that you are on the right path to manifesting abundance, health, wealth and happiness. Also, consider trying my Ancient Manifesting Ritual that has been used successfully by my 75,000+ manifesting students to attract new jobs, soulmates, babies, houses and the list goes on! xo

Are You Ready to Declutter Your Life And Create Your Own Miracles?

Fortunately, I’ve recently released a brand new manifesting lesson called The Life-Changing Miracle of Decluttering, and it’s incredibly affordable.

Here you will discover the proven decluttering secret that will guide you to spark joy in the present, let go of the past, and start manifesting your desires faster than you ever imagined possible…

Ready to clear the energy in your physical and spiritual environments? 

>>> Check this out now while it’s still fresh on your mind:

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