Listen to this podcast episode of what I do on a daily basis to make sure that I feel inspired to keep creating and connecting with the work that I do….

For the best podcast listening experience, download it via iTunes here.

If you feel a little stuck and you’re not sure how to shift your energy then there are so many powerful things you can do in order for your mojo to return.


Did you know that meditation can help you to release the emotional blocks that are holding you back from manifesting your desires? We live in this beautiful Universe where everything is energy, and yet we forget the power we have to tap into our own limitless potential.

Studies show that people that meditate regularly have physiological ages of 12-15 years less than their actual age.

This is why it’s so important to tune into the energy of the Universe through the daily practice of meditation.

If you’re new to meditation and mindfulness, I created this five minute meditation for manifesting for you to try.


Here’s what I know to be true about using crystals to attract abundance and spark productive energy…

You can program these beauties to hold space for your intentions – no matter what you want to manifest.

Crystals are sacred reminders. It’s such a personal and unique process to connect to the crystal before you take it home with you. It needs to speak to you and connect to your soul. Your crystal is a reminder to hold deep reverence for the Divinity in your life.

Crystals amplify your consciousness
It’s very clear that it’s not about being dependent on the crystal as much as it is holding the belief that you carry the power of conscious awareness and the crystal works WITH you.


The Five Minute Journal is your secret weapon to focus on the good in your life, become more mindful, and live with intention. With a simple structured format based on positive psychology research, you will start and end each day with gratitude. Thousands who use the journal have seen increased happiness, better relationships, and have become more optimistic. It’s the perfect way to begin your day and the perfect way to end your day and drift off into dreamland. It’s incredibly simple, but it works. What you appreciate, appreciates! If you don’t want to get the journal, then simple write your gratitude list on a piece of paper or a “note” on your phone.


The Universe loves order, so if you declutter and keep a clean home then you will be attracting good things into your life and creating the space you need for them to appear.

Intention Setting

Magic is often sparked in life when we create the space to dream big for ourselves. When we take time to map out a manifestation plan then it ignites excitement.

Grab your journal, write a letter to “future you” and lean into the feeling space of what it will be like when you are on the journey to taking inspired action. Perhaps even try creating a vision board. Whatever the mode – it’s time to create a vision for HOW you want to move forward on this journey. You can download my FREE 7-Step Intention Setting Process HERE.

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