The start of a new year usually prompts people to desire to make profound changes in their life. The typical resolutions revolve around things like weight loss, quitting something like smoking or sugar, being a better person or saving more money – you know the drill.

The truth is that most people shoot themselves in the foot before they even begin, mostly because of the way they phrase their intentions, feel about their intentions and ultimately act on their intentions.

Each year I spend a few hours using the following 5-step process to map out my goals, dreams, wishes and desires for the coming year. For the last 4 consecutive years I’d say that over 80% of the things on the list have manifested or materialised into my reality.

This year we bought a third puppy, moved to the beach, are expecting a baby girl in a few months after 5 consecutive miscarriages, launched new brands, published a new book, attracted various awesome opportunities, travelled to LA for Sean’s 30th birthday, won 2 legal disputes and the list goes on.

The secret to the list I wrote at the end of last year was that I wrote down how I wanted to feel about each item and the experience, buzz or thrill it would give me and the impact it would have on others.

So here is the 5-step process I use to get into the feeling space with setting intentions no matter what time of year it is…

Step 0: Give yourself some space – approximately 30 minutes or so of uninterrupted time just for you. You’ll need a pen, some paper, a notebook or a worksheet. You might also want a nice glass of wine or a soothing cup of tea.

Step 1: Meditate for 10 minutes to clear your heart/mind. Use this invocation:

“May I now be given a clear space within my mind/body/spirit complex to connect with my heart’s truest desires. May I now tune into the greater good for my higher self and allow for my goals, dreams, wishes and desires to flow onto paper.”

Step 2: Itemise the things/experiences you want to create for yourself. Start with 7, or more if you can.

Step 3: Beside each thing or experience write how you would feel when they manifested or you achieved your intention. Would you feel freedom? Would you feel loved? Powerful? Courageous? Sexy? Fierce? Empowered?

Step 4: Action items. Now write one thing you could take action on within the next week that would start the ball rolling in the direction of your goals, dreams, wishes and desires.

Step 5: Trust and surrender. Let it go. Put your list away for a while and hold the essence of the feelings you’re trying to create in your heart as you move forward with the year.

Want more of this stuff? Sign up to the mailing list below to be the first to find out when the new version of my wildly popular course called MANIFEST is launching in early 2015.

Happy intention setting! xo

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