Nearly 9 years ago I pleaded with the Universe to take away my loneliness.

I was stuck in a really bad marriage that was falling apart and I was on the verge of finally leaving 10 years of abuse.

It was New Year’s Eve 2008 while I sat in the garden, crying, gazing at the stars and pleading to the cosmic forces to perhaps one day allow me to experience true love, wild romance and what it would be like to have a partner that cherished me – ALL of me.

At the time there was no way I could see a reality where I would ever know what it felt like to fall in love with the right person, and to have them love me in return.

In 2009, I finally built up the courage to leave my first husband.

I left with no money, no job, over $30,000 in debt, two beautiful children to look after and two burning desires: to create my own successful business and to perhaps experience real love – maybe even to find my soulmate one day.

I believe the Universe rewarded my bravery.

However, at the time, I thought I was broken.

I hated myself in every sense of the word and didn’t think I was worthy of finding true love. My soul was bruised. And to put it lightly, I was a train wreck with a toxic inner ‘mean girl’ dialogue…

“Who could possibly love me… a woman living on welfare, raising two kids, and a body with stretch marks? Why is everyone else so happy? Will I ever find someone to love me for who I am?”

I held the belief that I wasn’t worthy, and then by using some powerful methods (that I would love to share with you)… I manifested my forever-man: Mr. Sean Patrick Simpson in 2010.

We’ve now been together for nearly 7 blissful years (married for 3) and life is amazingly joyful on a daily basis.

Sarah Prout and Sean Patrick SImpson

And that’s where the real secret is…

“You will only attract the love you think you deserve… And have wired yourself to attract.”


I’ll say that again because it’s so important: You will only attract the love you think you deserve, and have wired yourself to attract.

Plus, your past does not need to define your future.

The good news is, I can show you exactly how to get there and attract the love you truly believe you deserve…

I’m thrilled to announce that I’m running a CLOSING SALE for my course 21 Days to Attract Your Soulmate where you can save 75% and get $150 off the entire course, along with 8 free bonuses worth over $297.

It is so important that you get a copy today though…

Because in the next few days, I’ll be closing this course down forever.


Simply put, it’s my way of personally clearing my energetic space for new inspiring products to manifest through me (which I can’t to share very soon). 

So I hope you’ll give yourself the opportunity of attracting your soulmate.

21 Days To Attract Your Soulmate really is the perfect place to start your journey to manifesting love, and it’s just as if my husband and I are there with you, holding your hand, guiding you each step of the way.

Get it now while you still can:

>>> 21 Days to Attract Your Soulmate (75% Off Closing Sale)


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