11 Life Changing Affirmations to Say Daily.

Say these over and over again until they sink into your heart and transform your reality.

Dear Universe

1. Every day is a blessing
2. I am grateful for everything
3. I am worthy
4. Miracles will manifest
5. My heart is open
6. I trust in Divine timing
7. My soul is strong
8. Life is full of beautiful lessons
9. I choose faith over fear
10. I am LOVED

If you loved these affirmations, then you’ll love my new book, Dear Universe: 200 Mini-Meditations for Instant Manifestations.

Check it out and order your copy at any of your favorite retailers today:

With Love and Gratitude,

Sarah Prout

In order to manifest more abundance into your life you need to be ready to SPARK a deeper connection with the Universe. If you’re ready to go on a spiritual adventure and quest then I would highly recommend my Ancient Manifesting Ritual. This will help to get out of your own way and help you to strengthen your intuition. xo

Check out The Ancient Manifesting Ritual here


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