I am over the moon that I get to marry the love of my life (Sean Patrick Simpson), my best friend, my co-pilot of Älska Publishing and the person who I consistently have so much fun + joy with on a daily basis. I love Sean sooooo much and I’m thrilled (beyond words to accurately describe my love) that he’ll be my husband one day in the not too distant future.

*UPDATE: Here’s the official video of how it happened…

How it happened…

November the 1st was my 33rd birthday and one of the best days of my life so far! It was a surprise beyond surprises!

We had a very relaxing day and I was instructed to get dressed at about 4pm (nice clothes, make-up etc) because we were going out. I’m really glad I chose an outfit I was happy with and had my nails done only a few days earlier…pink and glittery!

Sean then told me to close my eyes and we jumped in the car for a short drive. He then placed headphones on my ears and blasted FloRida followed by ‘PrimaDonna Girl’ by Marina + The Diamonds. I was then led out of the car (still with my eyes closed) and told I could open them when he instructed.

LMFAO’s Party Rock Anthem was blasting!

We were outside my dad’s house and friends/family and by beautiful children were standing there waiting for me! Also, there was a PINK LIMOUSINE waiting to take us all for a drive!! I was ecstatic (this is a massive understatement). I think I started jumping up and down on the spot and I dropped the F bomb a few times wondering what on earth was going to happen next.

Inside the car was champagne, pink candy and ginger beer waiting for us. I had no clue where we were going or what we were doing. Sean just told me to ‘trust and surrender’ so I did.

We drove to the city in the pink limo…

We were on the corner of Bourke and Elizabeth Street when I saw several beautiful and familiar faces of friends wishing me a happy birthday. They had gathered in front of a band that consisted of 2 guys singing together.  I then heard the band say ‘Happy Birthday Sarah!’ At this point I thought there was someone else there called Sarah that was also having a birthday (duh).

All of a sudden it started to click in my mind that they were singing for me! The Pierce Brothers were amazing. They sang me a song and then said that Sean was then going to sing to me!!! My heart started to fill with excitement.

I was told to sit on a drum while everyone crowded around. This is the precise point when I started getting suspicious that he might be about to propose to me.

Oh my goodness…

He stared singing the Jason Mraz song: ‘I Won’t Give Up’ The lyrics are so very beautiful and I know for a fact this song was very carefully selected. I felt really teary but extremely present in each moment. My kids were wondering what was going on as well. I could see in their eyes that they were super excited. They love Sean as much as I do.

At the end of the song Sean read me a beautiful letter he had written…

My Dear Sarah, From the day we first met I knew you were special. And even before that day, I had already fallen in love with you. Since then, now over 2.5 years past, you have been my best friend, my partner, my lover… What you’ve always been though since before we were even born, is my soul mate, my twin flame, my Universe…the other half of my soul. We’ve been through a lot together you and I: our ups and downs, our trials and tribulations… We’ve even had fears and moments of uncertainty. But what we’ve had more than anything is the immense joy, the laughter, the fun, the hope, the presence in the now and the visions we share for the future. We have simply lived more together in the past 2.5 years than many couples live in a lifetime. And with each passing day Sarah I love you more and more. And you know what? They were right, Älska. You and I can have everything that we desire – there is no separation – no lack – there is only oneness and completion. And it is that oneness that you and I share. And just as you are the other half of my soul Sarah, you are the answer to my question… And for today my love, I do have more last question to ask: a question you’ve wanted, a question you’ve been waiting for… It’s a question I hadn’t asked before because I was once afraid. But Sarah, I’m not scared anymore. I love you. I know exactly what I want and have been eager to ask you this for a while now… So Sarah… Will you marry me?

— As Sean said ‘Will You Marry Me?’  the crowd cheered and all I could hear was the clicking of dozens of cameras. I felt so overjoyed and blissful. The whole world fell away and it was just Sean and I in a very very very present moment of pure love. Then I realised there were lots and lots of people staring at me! I just wanted to HUG everyone! I felt like even complete strangers were my friend! This was an instance of feeling Love and Oneness for everyone and everything. 

The engagement ring

My love got down on one knee and presented me with the most beautiful ring I have ever seen in my life! It is absolutely perfect and exquisitely crafted. It was made by Madison Jewellery and I highly recommend them! The diamond has the most amazing sparkle to it and I knew that it was a more-than-accurate representation of our love. I really feel like the luckiest girl in the world!!! This was the best birthday ever!

Dinner at Chocolate Buddha

My friends and family then made our way down to Federation Square to have dinner at an Asian inspired restaurant that had statues of Buddha as part of the amazingly designed interior.

I had a glass of champagne and item number 111 on the menu which was the vegetarian bento box. My heart was BEAMING the entire time being surrounded by beautiful people and having my handsome husband-to-be by my side.

After dinner we said our goodbyes to friends and went back to the pink limo so our driver (George) could take us to the next location…

Crown Towers

My dad is AMAZING. He paid for Sean and I to have a romantic evening in a deluxe hotel suite. The guy at the check-in said we had been given a complimentary upgrade which seemed to be an excellent addition to our adventures in manifesting thus far.

The room was beautiful.

Sean and I opened another bottle of champagne and felt so in love! After a while we decided to go and explore the casino and the hotel. I noticed that on each floor near the elevator they had a different coloured canvas which was perfect for a photoshoot. I think we stopped on about 10 floors to take happy snaps.

At about 1am we went back to the room and had a bubble bath before bed. The bathroom was fabulous. It had a TV installed into the wall!

It was at about 2am we fell asleep as a newly engaged couple. I have never felt so in love!

The morning after…

Sean pressed the remote to open the blinds. The light was REALLY BRIGHT and I said: ‘Oh, that’s violent!’. I peeled my eyes open to look out the window and shouted ‘RAINBOW!!!!!!!’

Yes, a rainbow appeared on the moment that we awoke as an engaged couple. It was our special sign of perfection + completion.

The divine pool + beautiful breakfast

We got out of bed and went for a swim in the deluxe hotel pool. It was so refreshing and beautiful. Then we went to a glorious buffet breakfast at The Conservatory before heading home to see the kids and my dad.

In summary…

My life with Sean Patrick Simpson is already amazing. Every single day is an adventure and he’s right when he says that we fall deeper in love as the years roll by. I feel so fortunate and filled with gratitude that I’ve found someone that wants to share his life with me and my children. The journey from being a single mumma to a bride-to-be has been a wild ride. I know now that in life anything is possible if you trust and surrender. 

Special thanks

My special day would not have been possible without the following people:

– Avak Alan Bedikian (Madison Jewellery) for making the most beautiful ring on the planet

– PinkLimos.com.au for an experience I will never forget. You KNOW how much I love pink right?

– Jack and Pat (The Pierce Brothers) for being in perfect alignment with Sean’s proposal vision

– Michael Firth and Nicole Rigato for taking gorgeous photos and being such wonderful friends

– Amber Petty for being such a beautiful friend and helping Sean with the planning and keeping such a huge secret

– My special friends and family for your amazing support and love. I LOVE YOU ALL and it’s been such an honour to share this exciting time in my life with you.

 YOU, for reading this post to the very end. Your support means the world to me.Sean, I love him with all of my heart and can’t wait to be his wife. xo

ps. You’ll be able to see a video of the event very soon. Watch this space!


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