We live in a society that is so ‘gimme gimme gimme’ based. You see people combust with frustration when they have to wait for minutes longer than they expected. You see road rage outbursts, disgruntled customers with cartoon-like steam billowing out of their ears and people not holding doors for others so that they can walk through first and get their Starbucks. It’s sad to think that people are sometimes so self-involved that they don’t remember that they hold beautiful gifts within themselves to share with the world.

The power of kindness is an incredible force that makes everyone feel so darn good. The great news is that it doesn’t take much to activate that energy at all. We just have to be aware that giving and being of service to others holds the extremely abundant currency of consciousness. Nothing is sweeter.

When my husband and I went to California recently, we decided to engage in committing random acts of kindness. We’re always aware that being of service to others is where the juicy spiritual work resides.

During this time we bought bunches of roses for the amazing ladies at the Hyatt Regency (in Huntington Beach) that upgraded our suite so we could have our children stay with us. We were go grateful that we wanted to express our appreciation. Their smiles from the unexpected gift of flowers felt really good.

When we returned home to Las Vegas I realized that the valet had accidentally misplaced the most important bag in my luggage. It had all of my jewelry (which included my wedding earrings), all of my make up, my favourite Betsy Johnson dress and my Ringly ring. I would say there was nearly $5,000 worth of stuff in the misplaced bag. I went into instant grief that it was lost, but felt that someone might have needed that stuff more than me.

Sean went to a lot of trouble to track down the head of security to see if they could find my bag and they did! It was lost for a full 48 hours until Sean got the call. The Hyatt Regency kindly sent the bag to Vegas via express courier free of charge and it was a beautiful random act of kindness.

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You just need to remember to give without expecting anything in return.

During our time on a business trip to San Deigo recently, my husband Sean was really into committing random acts of kindness. He bought a coffee for a homeless man and he left a 100% tip on a $100 bill at a restaurant we were eating at as well. The energy of kindness is infectious to say the very least.

Now it’s your turn….

In what way TODAY can you commit a random act of kindness?

Here are some ideas…

+ Buy a coffee for the person behind you at Starbucks
+ Leave $5 in the restrooms when you see the cleaner is in there (I do this quite often)
+ Open the door for someone
+ Buy socks for a homeless person (this is what my husband did this winter).
+ Donate stuff you no longer use to charity
+ Buy someone a beautiful bunch of flowers
+ Say thank you and leave amazing feedback or reviews
+ Tell 5 people that you are grateful for them today.

There are so many opportunities to be kind. It seriously soothes your soul and the souls of others – the planet needs more kindness. xo

In order to manifest more signs of alignment into your life you need to be ready to SPARK a deeper connection with the Universe.  If you’re ready to go on a spiritual adventure and quest then I would highly recommend my Ancient Manifesting Ritual. This will help to get out of your own way and help you to strengthen your intuition. xo


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