In my office, I have a window that can see the house directly across the street. Every single day at 11 am the lady that lives there comes out of her house with a broom and a dustpan to sweep her driveway.

Last week it was incredibly windy in Las Vegas. It was so windy that our pool was filled with leaves and the canopy on our cabana was virtually lifted off. However, the neighbor across the street was out with her broom and dustpan (just like clockwork) picking up leaves, even though leaves were going to immediately replace the ones she managed to collect. I thought it was madness. 

I decided to make a video (that I didn’t share) to point out the madness and laugh at the fact the leaves would return immediately. I even said in the video:

“I wish I had that much time on my hands to do something so ridiculous!”

And then I had a moment of awareness that what I was witnessing was actually an incredible lesson that I’ve had a fierce struggle learning and mastering for my entire life.

That is, the ritual of consistency. You show up rain, hail or shine. When you show up for your daily rituals they create strength. Beautiful inner strength.

In the moment of this realization, I saw beauty. I felt compassion and I dismantled the mocking judgment of something I thought appeared to be ridiculous.

Who am I to judge someone else’s daily rituals? I have no idea what spiritual foundations this practice provides doing this daily task.

In the awareness beyond my judgment, I felt INSPIRED. I felt inspired to show with a new level of commitment to something. I felt inspired to create more non-negotiable rituals in my life (more than just brushing my teeth).

I remember that how you do one thing is how you tend to do everything (every thing).

I set the intention to write daily. To read a book for at least 20 minutes and to learn something new each and every day. Afterall, I teach people all the time that life is not a dress rehearsal. In my line of work, there are gazillion different creative projects and things to complete on a daily basis. However, I am committed to NOT having inconsistency as a ritual any longer.

I am committed to creating inner strength. Also, remembering and re-engaging the strength I already have.

Successful people thrive with rituals that get them out of their heads and into their hearts, their bodies, the environment or into deep service.


So sweeping a driveway on a windy day might seem pointless, but it’s actually a very powerful call to rise up and commit to excellence at a whole new level.

Also, according to Florence Scovel Shinn who wrote the book “The Game of Life and How to Play It” – sweeping the front of your house is excellent for manifesting prosperity.

What ways can you show up in your life a little more and support your manifesting journey? Please feel free to comment below…

If you want to become a more powerful manifestor so you can start creating your own miracles, get yourself a copy of The Ancient Manifesting Ritual.


The ritual is a super-easy process and one I’ll take you through step-by-step so there’s no guess work at all. You’re going to love it!

If you enjoyed this article, please share it with a friend who could use some manifesting inspiration as well!

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