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Sometimes it’s tricky to know if you’re on the right track with waiting for your dreams to manifest. As much you as know that the Universe is always looking after you, it’s always nice to get a little reassurance in the form of a message or sign (from your higher self) to let you know you’re on the path of least resistance.

In this episode of Journey to Manifesting here are 7 very common signs that are soulful indicators that the Universe is amplifying your request and on the verge of delivering your goodies…

1. You see the number 111 or 1111 or 11:11 everywhere

Whatever the numerical sequence, these ‘Angel’ numbers are such a strong and powerful form of communication to let you know that things are all aligning very nicely. It’s a beautiful sign of alignment and message to let you know that you’re ‘in the flow’.

You may see the clock at 11:11 or see license plates with a 111 sequence in it. You might be receipt number 111 or have your groceries total $111.00 – whatever it is, just say ‘thank you’ in your heart as you acknowledge the deep connection you have with creating your reality.

2. Your intuition is on fire

When you’re really clear spiritually and on the path to manifesting your desires, your intuitive faculties speed up. You might say something right before someone else does, or they say something that you were just about to say. You have a deep knowing that the frequency of your reality is accelerating. You might go to your phone before it rings, know that there is a car space in the parking lot when it says it’s full and the list goes on…

When you’re tuned in, you know it.

You can also listen to this episode of the podcast on YouTube.

3. Your spirit guides, animals or totems appear

This is a very personal experience as there could be certain things that mean something to you spiritually and no one else. It could be finding a white feather in the park, seeing a picture of a unicorn or being followed by white butterflies. Whatever it is to you, you know that as soon as your vibration starts buzzing and you’re more on purpose, your special ‘friends’ will make an appearance to show you that you’re on the right track.

4. Rainbows start showing up

On the day I met my husband we saw a massive rainbow. The day after he proposed, we saw a rainbow. Funnily enough the days that we launch new products, we usually see rainbows as well. Rainbows have magical energy and are a symbol of pure clarity. To truly feel in awe and appreciation of the beauty of a rainbow is a fabulous way to raise your vibration.

5. You start finding money or manifesting savings

The Universe wants you to be abundant and so when you’re on the right path with your Law of Attraction adventures the money starts to show up and support you. It first begins as a trickle and depending on your intentions can flow into ‘prosperity tsunami’ proportions. Whether you find a penny or a five cent piece make sure you take the time to say ‘thank you’ for this gesture of prosperity…it will always help you attract more.

6. Your sleep is more restful and your dreams are deeper

As you relax into trusting the Universe, you fully allow yourself to relax and your dreams become more vibrant, peaceful and real. Your subconscious mind LOVES that you are taking care of it, because it means that you are choosing love over fear and therefore stress, anxiety, and concern don’t need to show up in your dreams.

7. Synchronicity will accelerate

You’ll meet new people that will help you on your path. You’ll also attract the right resources and events that will unfold the next set of steps for you. The best thing you can do is say ‘yes’ to new opportunities and adventures that life presents you with. You’ll notice that the more in flow you get with this stuff the more amazing ‘miracles’ will unfold and give you ‘proof’ (not that you need it) that this manifesting stuff really works.

In order to manifest more signs of alignment into your life you need to be ready to SPARK a deeper connection with the Universe. If you’re ready to go on a spiritual adventure and quest then I would highly recommend my Ancient Manifesting Ritual. This will help to get out of your own way and help you to strengthen your intuition. xo

Check out The Ancient Manifesting Ritual here


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