Sweet Surrender, Deep Reverence and Powerful Invocations to Spark Manifestation

There is an infinite power within us all. It’s the same power that holds the stars in the sky and keeps the water in the ocean. Everything within this beautiful Universe is governed by this exquisite force of love. We all have access to it, we are all part of it, and we are all recharged with hope and inspiration when we remember to connect to this almighty force as often as possible for guidance and support. Some people call this force ‘God’ or ‘the Universe’ or whatever they feel comfortable with. It’s the omnipotent frequency of creation. Everything that exists comes forth from it, and then once it completes its cycle it then transitions back into it. It’s simple, natural and effortless.

This infinite energy field is always responding to our thoughts and our feelings, which is why it’s so imperative to remember the power we hold to create our own reality. We manifest everything that unfolds in our lives because the cosmos is a giant mirror.

Life is so incredibly busy for many people. We have bills to pay, children to take care of, TV shows to watch, or nail appointments (to be trivial). The hustle and bustle of our busy lives can burn us out to the brink of exhaustion, unless we remember to NURTURE OURSELVES and remember to connect back to our true nature.

Our true nature is to be reverent and SURRENDER to this higher power.

When you meditate you surrender…

When you allow yourself to be present in the moment you surrender.

When you let go, forgive and send love, you surrender.

When you sleep, you surrender.

All of these deeply “spiritual” practices allow for the process of surrendering to take place. This is the most profound way to spark a deep conversation with the Universe. It’s also incredibly helpful in the process of manifestation.

Not many people know this about me, but when I was was in my 20s I was a meditation teacher and facilitator. My first husband and I would host group meditations in our home for up to 20 people, nearly twice a week. I would have beautiful strangers from all walks of life show up on my doorstep. These people were seeking peace within their hearts in the hope that meditation would be able to heal their emotional wounds.

During this time I saw so many amazing transformations happen within people that started to practice meditation regularly. Their eyeballs looked brighter, they noticed that they felt love at a deeper level, their intuitive faculties increased, syncronicities started speeding up, and they manifested things at a faster pace. Life began showing up for them in new and miraculous ways.

If you could commit to spending at least 10-15 minutes per day connecting to The Universe through prayer, ritual or meditation then you would notice a PROFOUND shift in your current reality. Science even proves that meditation is good for your health because it can reduce stress levels, balance your hormones and even help you to sleep better and deeper. But where can you start?

It’s a 3 step process…

1. Invocation

Your meditation needs to start with an invocation (or intention). An invocation is a way to call forth the powers of the Universe to hear your prayer, intention or request. It’s a beautiful way to connect to the Divine within and spark a conversation with the infinite energy field of potential. Every time you do this you RECHARGE your soul.

2. Relax and Surrender

You need to make sure you’re comfortable and in a space that will be uninterrupted for around 10-15 minutes. You could even meditate before you go to bed in the evenings as a way to unwind. The key to to let go of your thoughts, not make them wrong from being present. Just stand back and witness them, without paying them any attention. ASK the Universe to show you a deeper level of surrender. 

3. Consistency

Like anything in life, the key to getting results it to be consistent. You need to make surrender or meditation a priority each and every day in order to see the maximum results start to appear into your reality.

I’ve been posting daily invocations on my Facebook page (if you’d like to check them out) as a reminder that we are Divine beings all playing our role in the exquisite fabric of Oneness. It’s time to REMEMBER we are spiritual beings having a physical experience and that SURRENDER through prayer and meditation is a way to supercharge our inherent connection to the Divine within.

Want to further develop your intuitive super-powers and learn how to surrender?  Try my 55 x 5 Formula that will help to amplify your intentions so that the Universe can MANIFEST them into your physical reality a lot faster. This ritual gets you into an effortless meditative state.



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