Manifesting the things we desire in life is relatively easy as much as it might not seem like it at times. As the beautiful human beings we are, we sometimes get in the way of ourselves and create soulful detours (often painful) in order to stay in our comfort zones. But do you know where the magic happens? Yep, you guessed it…

OUTSIDE of your comfort zone. That’s where the magic happens!

Here is a powerful list of steps to manifest your desires. If you bring mindfulness to these 5 elements and you are committed to trying them out, they will literally transform your life.

#1. Set Your Intention

The Universe loves specificity so make sure you are crystal clear on your desired outcome. Allow yourself to dream big and feel your way into what your heart truly wants to manifest. Write lists, perhaps try my FREE intention setting worksheet or create a vision board. Your soul is calling for clarity.

#2. Open Your Heart

It’s time to stop looking in the rearview mirror and finally let go of the past. It’s over. You are now in the process of creating beautiful and empowering new experiences in your life. Here’s the thing to remember: if you re-live your past, you are creating it in your future. It’s time to open your heart to limitless possibilities. Affirmations are extremely helpful too. 

#3. Raise Your Vibration

Everything is energy. And when it comes to manifesting your desires, it’s important to remember that your reality is being sculpted on a moment by moment basis by your predominant energy and vibration. You can meditate, declutter your home, make sweet love, sing, pray, cook or laugh until you nearly want to pee your pants – these are all excellent ways to amp up your frequency so the Universe can deliver your goodies.

#4. Trust and Surrender

The more you surrender, the higher you rise. When you trust that the Universe is always acting in your best interests for the greatest good of your soul then you feel protected, loved and supported. God/The Universe is everywhere and is always your safety net in times of need. Your role in the process? Go with the flow. When you do this you literally get out of your own way and allow your intentions to manifest.

#5. Gratitude for What Is

The last part of the manifesting process to cultivate gratitude for everything that shows up on the shores of your reality. No matter what it is – good, bad or downright ugly, your role is to say thank you. When you hold the energy of appreciation EVEN BEFORE your intentions have manifested you are purposefully aligning your vibration to allow your desires to flow to fruition with ease and grace.

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The doors will close on May 25th so make sure you secure the charter membership investment today! xo

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