It’s an incredibly exciting time because my book (Dear Universe) is out there in the world finally! The subtitle is 200 Mini-Meditations for Instant Manifestations and it occurred to me that I would love to explain a little further about the concept of “instant” in the correct context.

You might hear the word “instant” and question if it’s possible. There’s instant coffee and instant packets of noodles that are as simple as putting hot water in a cup and watching the magic unfold before your very eyes. However, when it comes to manifestation it’s diving into the realm of the unmeasurable for most people.

But what if I told you that you can slow down and measure the efficacy of your instant manifestations?

It’s so simple, it’s seems stupid.

Each emotion and feeling that you have on a moment-by-moment basis is a manifestation. Yes, you read that correctly. Your EMOTIONS are manifestations. This is how The Universe delivers your experience into your reality.

You might think that it’s the materialization of that thing you want. As an example, you might wish for a new car, a soulmate, a dream home – HOWEVER – it’s how you feel about these things that can be manifested as fast as a flash of lightning.

You’ve probably heard of the Law of Attraction philosophy that “thoughts become things”.

Well, that’s only one piece of a much larger puzzle.

Here are 3 Secrets for Instant Manifestation that will support you on your journey to creating anything that your heart desires…

  • Secret 1: You Can Guide Your Energy and Your Emotions

When you remember that you have the power to guide your energy and your emotions then you can gain awareness over the vibration you are sending out there for The Universe to respond to. This means when you are handing your power over by blaming someone else for how you feel. As an example, let’s just say your spouse doesn’t remember to put the toilet seat down (not that that ever happens, right?) then you are the one that ALLOWS your energy to get carried away out of your zone of happiness. It’s on you – own it and it’s a game changer.When you own your super powers of emotional navigation you will create and manifest miracles faster than you can count. And yes, this can manifest instantly.

  • Secret  2: The Universe wants you to let go of time as a construct

As humans, we get so caught up on the notion of life manifesting in the time we want it to, versus the time that it requires to be ready for what we ultimately asked for. Let’s just say you want to bake a delicious cake. You mix up all of the ingredients, preheat the oven, make sure it’s in the right pan, lick the spoon, and set the timer. You know that in 45-60 minutes you will have a perfectly spongy, super-yummy, gluten free vegan chocolate cake. However, if you take it out before it’s ready – because you just want to eat the darn cake already, it will not be what you envisioned. It won’t. It will taste gross.

The Universe wants you to remember to trust in divine timing – that your intentions are cooking, and if you pull them out of the oven too soon, you will be eating the raw batter of disappointment. When you remember that everything always appears in perfect Divine timing, then you can manifest instantly.

  • Secret 3: Strengthen Your Intuition and Your Emotional Awareness Daily

It’s like building a muscle. You must show up in the gym to do the work, or the muscle can’t work for you and show up with the strength you need. Simply by asking yourself and checking in to see how you’re feeling will help you to manifest instantly. When you become acutely aware of your vibration and the what you are feeling – what will serve you becomes crystal clear and you have direct access to the present moment. This is what I call “The Creation Point”.

You manifest instantly when you can face the present moment with curiosity, strength and intuitive stamina to trust in the journey.

Are You Ready For A “Choose Your Own Journey” for Navigating Your Feelings and Empowering Your Emotions?

If your answer is YES, then you’re going to love my brand new bestselling book called, Dear Universe: 200 Mini-Meditations for Instant Manifestations.

Filled with practical guidance and soulful nuggets of wisdom, Dear Universe will guide you to tune into your feelings, and use them to transform every area of your life.

Feeling powerless, depressed, lonely or sad?

The 100 Mini-Meditations to Rise Above Fear will teach you how to ask The Universe for guidance, emotional support, perspective and wisdom in your times of need.

Wanting to feel more abundant, lucky, loved or inspired?

The 100 Mini-Meditations to Embrace Love will manifest these love-based experiences into your life on a new and vibrant level.     

Dear Universe is more than just a book. No matter what emotion you’re experiencing, Dear Universe will show you how to guide your feelings and transform your experience for instant manifestations.

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