Last week was ‘Prosperity Week’ here on and we had thousands upon thousands of people join me for this week-long event to attract more abundance and joyful energy into their lives. The energy of our collective consciousness was incredible.

If you happened to miss out on the action then please check out replays of the event below….

Day #1: The Abundance Affirmation You Should Never Use

Day #2: 10 Ways Prosperity Mindsets Think Differently

Day #3: Attracting Prosperity: To Obsess or Let Go?

Day #4: 7 Signs Abundance is Manifesting For You

Check out the extra bonus training I did on Facebook live: the Manifesting Abundance Q&A with me and my husband Sean Patrick Prout-Simpson (Co-Founder and CEO of Soul Space Media:

Day #5: Money Manifests Faster When You Trust Divine Timing

Want a bonus training? Join my me and my husband, Sean Patrick Prout-Simpson (the co-founder and CEO of Soul Space Media) for a manifesting Q&A (and glass of wine): 

Day #6: Shocking Lies We Tell Ourselves to Sabotage Abundance

Check out the extra “Manifesting Game and Q&A” bonus training I did on Facebook live:

Day #7: Prosperity Game: Create Your Own Abundance Hearts

So as you can see, the whole week was buzzing with manifesting inspiration to attract more abundance. If you can think of anyone else that would enjoy this FREE week of training then please SHARE this post and share the love. xo

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