Become a magnet for miracles in every area of your life.

🔮 Start manifesting what you desire… feel inspired to raise your vibration and your frequency to attract miracles…and feel supported on your spiritual journey designed by bestselling author and manifestation mentor, Sarah Prout.

The embodiment of a high frequency or vibration is essential for your success.

You hold dreams and visions for the future and take consistent, inspired actions to turn those visions into reality. You believe in the power of miracles and manifestation to sustain your success and propel you forward. Your mission and purpose are to be of service to others and create a massive impact on the planet.

And yet…

Despite your drive and dedication, there are moments of doubt, fear, and overwhelming anxiety that can hinder your progress. The spiritual journey of life is often fraught with challenges that can test your resilience and resolve. Navigating these obstacles requires more than just hard work and determination; it requires a mindset aligned with the energy of abundance, clarity, and unwavering belief in your potential.

This is where the Miracle Minded Membership comes in.

Designed (by me) bestselling author and manifestation mentor Sarah Prout, this exclusive program offers you the tools, guidance, and community support to help you manifest your deepest desires and transform your dreams into reality.

Why You Need the Miracle Minded Membership:

Overcome Fear and Doubt

Build your confidence and belief in your ability to achieve your goals with energetic guidance and powerful manifestation practices.

Break Free from Anxiety

Cultivate a positive mindset and high-level frequency essential for attracting success and abundance, and eliminate self-sabotaging thoughts.

Rise Above Overwhelm with Clarity & Intention

Simplify the manifestation process with clear, actionable steps and inspirational support to keep you focused and on track.

Bestselling author & manifestation mentor, Sarah Prout.

“I cannot recommend working with the Divine Sarah highly enough. When we started, I was stalled out… now I have a play I wrote in production, am recording my music, and feeling pretty cute about life.”

The Inspiration Behind: 
Miracle Minded

The Secret Door To Success

The name “Miracle Minded” was inspired by page 29 of Florence Scovel Shinn’s “The Secret Door to Success” written in 1941. Since I purchased a first edition copy on eBay this name resonated deeply with me, as I’ve admired Florence’s work since I was eight years old when I first read “The Game of Life and How to Play It.” Her teachings on the power of positive thinking and the law of attraction have profoundly influenced my life’s work.

By bringing this energy into the Miracle Minded membership, we are channeling the wisdom and transformative power that Florence advocated and embodied. This program is designed to empower you to unlock your highest potential and manifest miracles in your life, aligning with the profound principles that have guided and inspired me since childhood. On another personal note, your success means the world to me and I want you to remember that you are worthy enough to manifest anything your heart desires, always. I would LOVE for you to be on this journey with me as a member of Miracle Minded.

Join Miracle Minded today and become a magnet for miracles

Invest In Your Future Self

You asked, we answered

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are quick answers to common questions, streamlined for clarity.

A: Of course they will! Every live is done via Zoom, so the replays will be sent out when they become available (usually within 24 hours).

A: As long as you are an active member. 

A: Unfortunately, nope. The only way to get 1:1 time with Sarah is to be in one of her VIP masterminds, or 1:1 mentoring itself. Visit here for more info:

A: Live “Manifestation Treatments” are interactive sessions where Sarah guides you through powerful manifestation practices to align your energy.  She will choose the “hot seat” participant intuitively each session. If you’d like to purchase a private 1:1 Manifestation Treatment then visit this page:

A: Hosting the Miracle Minded membership on Skool offers several key benefits:

  1. Integrated Learning and Community: Combines online courses, community forums, and events in one platform.
  2. User-Friendly Interface: Easy to navigate for both administrators and members.
  3. Engagement Tools: Includes progress tracking, leaderboards, and gamification to boost participation.
  4. Content Organization: Efficiently organizes courses and materials for better learning.
  5. Community Building: Emphasizes interaction with discussion threads, direct messaging, and group activities.

Skool provides a seamless, engaging, and enriching experience, perfectly supporting your personal and professional growth through manifestation.

A: Please email: – There’s no time period of commitment for The MIRACLE MINDED membership. In the event you ever want to cancel, you can do so easily within your account.