Apparently, our beliefs are formed between the ages of zero to seven. My daughter Lulu Dawn, just turned seven. And it’s so weird for me to write about experiences I had when I was her age in my latest book called Be The Love because our paths are so radically different.

One day, when she is an adult, she will see that her self-esteem is because I broke a cycle of something I call: NOT ENOUGHNESS.

Listen to the entire MANIFEST with Sarah Prout podcast episode on “You Are Enough” now in the iTunes store or on Spotify.

In fact, I went on a healing journey for all four of my children because I never want them to not feel worthy.

This photo is me at seven years old as a ballerina (pictured above). My mother would walk me to the Melbourne ballet studio in 1987.

In this photo I remember feeling fat because my legs weren’t as long as the other girls.

I didn’t feel comfortable in my own skin.

I would hide food and refuse to eat. Being seven was the earliest memories of my disordered eating.

I didn’t feel like I was good enough, thin enough, pretty enough or smart enough.

My mindset was a burden.

It took me decades to finally see a healing path forward for myself.

I’ve spent my life on the yo-yo emotional roller-coaster of not feeling good enough and it has manifest in many different ways.

  • From staying in an abusive marriage for a decade
  • To being abusive
  • To being a workaholic
  • To orthorexia, anorexia, bulimia
  • lots of other self-sabotaging stuff

I want you to remember that this IS hope. That healthy self-esteem and loving yourself IS possible.

I wrote BE THE LOVE as a guidebook that I needed years ago. However, I could only write it when I had truly done the work and felt in integrity enough to share. This book will help you to manifest happiness and to get out of your head and into your heart.

P. S. Want a FREE Copy of my new book, Be The Love?

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