The Universe wants you to remember something…

No matter what you’re going through, no matter how hopeless or helpless your situation might seem right now, it’s all going to be okay.

Over the last few weeks I’ve held online workshops for my beautiful Manifesting Academy Soul Tribe. The theme has been ‘Active Faith’ and how to believe beyond what you can see. So today, here is a reminder that ALL is unfolding as it should in perfect Divine timing.

You might be saying to yourself: “Blah, blah, blah Sarah Prout. You’re trying to minimize my feelings and sugar coat a turd.” 

Please keep reading because I believe the juice of spirituality resides in our trials and tribulations. Why? Because life is seasonal. It’s not meant to be all smooth sailing – a happy-happy joy-joy, peachy keen bed of roses.

Your soul was Divinely designed to be strengthened by adversity.

Your spirit was called to experience the contrast of life so that you can grow and cultivate wisdom.

Your heart is meant to break so you can remember the awe-inspiring power you have to heal.

You’re not meant to wear the expectation of “being positive” all the time like a heavy cloak that weighs you down. There is no level of spiritual perfection that can be attained to make everything seem blissful 111% of the time. It’s not realistic.

The Universe takes you on a wild ride for a reason. There is a method to the seeming madness and it’s usually because you will come out the other side with a new and refreshed perspective on how strong and capable you are.

I’ve spoken directly to thousands of broken hearted people and comforted them to say that it might hurt now, but in the future it will all make sense. And now, for many of them, as time has passed, they have healed and moved to new and beautiful levels of awareness in their lives.

Uncertainty and not knowing how a situation will unfold is an opportunity to build a relationship of trust with the Universe. Feel the invitation rise within your heart and graciously accept it. Because once again, you must remember that life is seasonal. There is a season and a cycle for everything. Once you learn how to go with the flow of these signature energy patterns of life, then you will be serving your soul in the highest way possible.

The Universe wants you to remember something…

No matter what you’re going through, no matter how hopeless or helpless your situation might seem right now, it’s all going to be okay.

If you love the idea of being supported by The Universe and a “Soul Tribe” of like-minded kindred spirits make sure you get on the waitlist to join The Manifesting Academy.

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