The Most Beautiful Letter from A Husband to His Pregnant Wife

I felt the need to share this very personal letter publicly to not only honour my amazing husband (Sean Patrick Simpson) but to honour all women that have carried life into the world. Right now as I write these words I’m about 8 months pregnant – feeling swollen, oh-so-tired yet excited to meet our baby girl in the next month or so. Sean and I called her spirit forth with such powerful intention that it’s going to be so very very special to stare into her eyes very soon and say ‘welcome’.

This letter really represents true love to me and it fills me with such immense gratitude that my man is such a profoundly beautiful soul. I am thrilled that our daughter will be born into such a strong union. As you read this, think of the ways you could express gratitude, awe and wonder to the special people in your life.

Dear Sarah,

I was writing this as both a letter to you, as well as an open statement to all pregnant woman that I was going to share on Facebook. The problem was, my words kept turning back to you and OUR baby specifically 🙂 So I’m just going to send this to you my love.

You are so beautiful.

I say it to you nearly every day. But in case you haven’t ‘heard it’ recently, please know this. Please feel it. You are so incredibly beautiful.

The journey of pregnancy, for both a man and a woman, is an amazing one. It’s beautiful, it’s surreal, and one that is truly hard to understand and fully grasp without having gone through it.

But it’s also a hard one.

For her – the body goes through so much during that 9 months. It’s growing a human for God’s sake! Emotionally, physically – it’s an intense experience.

For him and her – your ENTIRE world is about to change. Mixed in with all the joy, excitement and anticipation for the future, there is uncertainty, fear, and questions that arise such as, “how the f**k are we going to do this?!!”

The good news is, billions and billions of people before you ‘did it’. And it’ll ALL be okay! In fact, it’ll be the ride of a lifetime.

But I digress…

The point of this is you, now, the beautiful, beautiful pregnant woman.

My God, you’re the most beautiful being I have ever seen.

The way you are.

The way you evolve with our baby over those 9 months.

The way you care for, nourish and love that soul within you.

I say with absolute truth Sarah, you have never been so beautiful.

I love you belly boombah. 

Oh gosh, see why I love him so much and I had to share this? Being respected,validated and ‘seen’ (truly seen) by your partner/lover/husband/wife is honestly one of the greatest gifts a relationship can bring as long as you also are willing to do the same. xo

In order to manifest more abundance into your life you need to be ready to SPARK a deeper connection with the Universe. If you’re ready to go on a spiritual adventure and quest then I would highly recommend my Ancient Manifesting Ritual. This will help to get out of your own way and help you to strengthen your intuition. xo

Check out The Ancient Manifesting Ritual here


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